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Thursday, 12 July 2012


I am sorry that my blogging is so spazmodic, unfortunately it is due to OH's up and down health issues.  When his Artheritis is so bad he just sits glued to this machine as its the only other thing besides watching TV that he can do unaided.  I do lever  him away several times a day to allow me to do some Modding on one of my fav.forums and chat occasionally to friends on another.  He is having a good week this week so the pooter is mine for a change.

I had empty evening hands a few days ago so had a search through my stash and discovered some yarn I bought on ebay a couple years ago by mistake.  I thought I was buying ordinary yarn, it was the colour I was going for, but it turned out to be one of those fun yarns that are only suitable for funkey scarves etc., so got hidden away in a box never to see daylight againm  I decided that this was the day I found a use for it and he presto,

Plus a few brass buttons from my aged aunts stash and some lining that I haven't a clue about.  This is going on my cruise with me on the 21st.  Go lovely with navy trousers and purple/plum top. 

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Baby Gift


I had made this a month ago but was unable to show you until the baby had arrived in case the new mum spotted it.
Baby now arrived, a lovely little boy - Alexander Michael.
Mother and baby doing very well.

Sunday, 24 June 2012

Knave of Hearts

My pal is going to a Mad Hatters Tea Party next month, lucky devil, and wanted something suitable to wear.
As I had been nominated as provider I needed something as simple as possible so came up with The Knavee of Hearts because it's just a tabbard and a cardboard crown.  I have suggested either red or lovett green trousers  to complete the outfit.
It actually has not cost a red cent to date.  Old gold curtains, old green velvet curtains (never throw anything away obviously) and a bit of red from my stash.  Hey Presto we have

Oops, I should have got the iron out.  Never mind, you will get the general idea.  It is the same back and front.

I think I mentioned in an earlier blog that I have accidentally started another quilt.  This is hand sewn only as I had run out of stuff to do whilst watching TV in the evenings and I already had lots of bits cut out from a previous project, i.e. a craft this is just a quick preview - 3 1/2" squares and the pattern is called Drunkards Path. - well, one variation of it, there are many. lol.

Not the best reproduction in the world, I am sorry the colours don't show as they should. It will be one of those put down and pick up jobs that could last for years and uses all your random bits up - hopefully.
Handmade Monday is peeping round the corner again.  I am just going to pop over and have a look at what everyone has been up to.  Why don't you follow me, it will be well worth the effort at Handmade Harbour..

Monday, 18 June 2012

Crafting from the past.

Well what a surprising day I have had.  I travelled to Lutterworth to meet Frances (Floating Craft) from The Craft Forum who was donating some elderly magazines, which had belonged to her Mother, to a good home.  Thinking that they were exactly that and knowing the Craft Club I attend would love them I arranged to collect them this morning.
They turned out to be two boxes of bound volumes of Hobies Weekly dating back to 1942 - I think that is the earliest, have not checked properly yet.  They are amazing.  I cannot believe my good fortune.  So full of such great and ecconomical ideas.  I am afraid the Craft Club won't be getting them yet awhile. They are such fun that I want to share a few bits and pieces with you.

Did you think Mars Bars were a relatively new product, well just look at this, a page from 1943.  Mind you, you can take it from me that they were a rarity, in fact I don't recall having sweets at all during the war.

This perpetual callender would not look out of place in a childs bedroom today.

1942 and WW2 sense of humour...

The voice from the radio is saying "Hus day of reckoning is coming"  and Hitlers bored response is "Mein Gott! Another 365 days of worries".

Another reminder of the hardships of the era.

I remember the horrible blackout curtains.  Not even a tiniest chink of light must show through or the warden would be knocking on your door and giving you a right old telling off.

There are so many projects made out of wood, like childrens toys, furnature, all kinds of knick knacks, garden impliments, oh too many to list. I bet I know of a few wood turners that would enjoy a shifty through these pages too.

I am absolutely certain that I will be sharing lots  with you as I work my way through the volumns and I feel sure you won;t be bored.

Sunday, 17 June 2012

Its Handmade Monday time again.

These days it seems that the only times I blog is when handmade Monday comes around again. 
Another busy weekend.  We were invited to a family wedding and our family is no different to anyone elses family in that there are several factions who are often pulling in opposite directions which can make family get togethers a trifle nerve wracking.  I did, sort of, try to wriggle out of it.  I sent the Wedding cushion I showed a couple of weeks ago in case I found a cast iron reason for not attending that would not cause offence. 
I know you all get where I'm coming from.
I couldn't blame the dog.
Hubby was quite well considering.
The roof didn't fall in.
We went.  Had a wonderful time.  Everyone behaved impeccably.  Loads of reasonably well behaved children, no one drank too much. food was great, and to top it all guess what was in the very centre of the gift table.  Yep.  My cushion.  So I think you can count that as this weeks success.

Pic of me walking out of the door ready for the 'off'

It seems to be the season for weddings so I had another cushion to make.  This one is going down south to a friend of No.1 son and partner.  She is a lovely girl who I first met about 20 years ago.  I used the same fabrics as before so 2 for the price of 1.  I have taken some pics of the detail this time to stop the boredom factor. lol.
The little flowers are 3cm across and crochetted in very fine cotton.  Most of the embroidery is done in single thread of embroidery silk, the writing is two rows in dif. colours to creat a slight 3D effect but I can't get that to show with my cheepo camera.

Right.  Here goes.

Thats me done for the day.  Do pop over to Handmade Harbour to view everyone elses work, you will enjoy your visit, I guarantee it.

Thursday, 7 June 2012


I regularly read a blog from a lady in Thailand.  She posts so many pictures of the shops and all the wonderful, colourful fabrics they stock.  Most of the manufacturers are not on the internet in her area so we cannot buy direct but as you may recall from a previous blog this lovely lady Jill has bought for me and posted.  Gosh, I would never have any money left if I lived anywhere those lovely warehouses.  I look at the pictures and ache to go. Of course, I might win the lottery any day soon in which case............

There appears to be a lot of hatching and some batching around me but so far, fortunately, no dispatching .  So I am busy making wedding gifts and baby gifts again.  Happy times for all I hope.
Keep my fingers occupied for a few days, or weeks, depending on what I decide to do.   A memory cushion is top of my list at the moment as the wedding is imminent.  They have about 8 children between them so have everything for the home.  I thought a little luxury for the bedroom would probably go down quite well hence the cushion.  Next is a pinkish little cardi for about 6 month old cos it will be winter then.  Hopefully she won't want woollies during the summer months.  Weeeeell, in theory she shouldn't. lol.  Another Wedding, but next year.  Giving us plenty of advanced notice this time.  Haven't a clue what to do for that one. Waiting for inspiration.

Sunday, 3 June 2012

Decisions, decisions

It has been a week of decisions rather than work.  It gradually dawned on me that my main problem was lack of fitness.  If I did anything out of the norm I ended up with a pulled muscle or at the very least stiff limbs. 

Over weight.  Oh soooo over weight.  Being only 5'1" I am sure if I fell over I would roll. 

Depressed because of all these things too. 

I think, at times, we all arrive at this "Day of enlightenment".  Mine came last Wednesday after yet another restless night when finally crawling out of bed and realising it was make or break day I took myself off to enroll with a Gym.  It had to be one with a pool as I would rather be in the water than on the rowing machine etc.,.

I am now a paid up member and have been every day - yes, every day.  Walking up and down that stretch of water as if my life depended on it. Less impact on the joints apparently and no, no one quite shouted "Save the Whale" as I stepped in. lol..  Another week of this and I can gravitate towards the treadmill and the bike.

I could not believe how much I had deteriorated, age of course don't help but its no excuse.  Muscles? What muscles? just flab. 

I have 6 weeks to get into some kind of shape before my holiday which is a cruise with the whole family who will be spending all their time in various water activities in which I would be unable participate. I would hate that.

Let this be a lesson to all you avid crafters.  Sitting on your backside sewing and knitting and anything else you do requiring a sedentary position aint good for you.  Well, thats my excuse.

Talking about sedentary and avid, I took this pic this morning at breakfast time.  All the males in the family were sitting avidly watching Smurfs and wrapped in some of Grandma's quilts. 

Mainly due to my other activities  I only have something small to offer for Handmade Monday.  I would not have bothered but trying to keep to the spirit of the event.

Now do pop over to Wendys Handmade Monday on Handmade Harbour.there is always some lovely things there. 

Monday, 28 May 2012

Getting there slowly

I have been a silent watcher for a couple of weeks.  Read all your blogs but not left comments.  Didn't want to pass on my black moods when you were showing such lovely things and having great discussions but I did enjoy it all from the silent sidelines. 
Getting things back together a bit thank goodness.  Made a bag for my holiday cruise. 
Now we all know we have to take something to do whilst away.  I bet none of you can bare to sit with your hands empty or your fingers idle, I am just the same so needed something summery but also useful for carrying cameras etc., when tripping off the boat. 
I made this from a load of 4" squares inherrited from a crafter who sadly passed away some years ago.  There was a huge pile of assorted colours and designs which, over the years, I am gradually using up. It is fitted it with dual types of handles depending on what I am using it for at any given time. The white is just sheeting from Dunhelms and the plastic handles, well, I have had them sooo long I don't know where they originated.  The buckle thingy on the long handle came curtesy of The Equity Shoe Factory at which both my aunts worked.  What I would call a totally ecconomical bag.

As I have not entered Handmade Monday for a few weeks perhaps I can offer this.  Go to Handmade Harbour   to see what everyone else has offered.  You will be amazed at the variety offered.  Apologies to Wendy for being so remiss.

Friday, 11 May 2012

So sad

We lost a devoted friend, faithful companion, light of our life and my second skin this week.  We feel, at the moment, as if we will never get over it.  She has been with us  for nearly fifteen years and only once did she spend a week away when she stayed with her previous master, my youngest son whilst we went on holiday.  If I remember right, I spent the week worrying about how she was getting on and she spent the same week fretting.  We never left her again.
She was the gentlest of creatures.  I have never known her to growl and she would take food from your hand so carefully you never knew she had had it.
What are we going to do without her.  
If we go out we don't want to come home to an empty house. No welcome when we get up each morning.   No dog hairs.  No muddy roses on the floor. No walks down to the brook.  No frolics through the woods outside the back gate. No more sneeking round to next door for an extra titbit. 
I am not going to have another pet because it hurts far too much when you lose them. 
How long does this hurt last?  It feels like it will go on for ever.

Sunday, 29 April 2012

Doiggie Dementia.

Our pet is 15 now and stone deaf which can be quite a problem especially when you add the dreaded aging dementia. She forgets where she is, where the door is, where her bed is,. Mind you, she never forgets meal times or treat times, but I suppose that is instinct.
Each evening at 10.30 ish one of us takes her up the garden and out the back gate for her late night tinkle. Well last night she disappeared into the darkness and forgot to come back. Chucking it down with rain, wind howling, me in my slippers - are you beginning to get the picture - good (I think). We have an intruder light over that gate so I have to keep waving at it to keep it on but still could not see her. Went to fetch OH and a couple of torches and back to wander over the Common in the hope that we can find her. No good calling of course. Finally the torch picked up a pair of yellow eyes, scared me half to death, thought it was a fox but no, it was a very frightened and wet Rosie wondering where the hell she was.
I wasn't exactly warm, dry and comfortable either. Not a pretty sight.

On another note, wedding cushion now complete.  Only draped over another cushion at the moment as I need a 20" pad for it.  Meant to get one today butg with this inclement weather...........?   I'm sure you will understand.

Ooops.  I forgot to link this to Handmade Monday.  Good job Wendy left a comment or it would have passed me by again.  Thats 1stUniquegifts/Handmade Monday.

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Little gift for a big nephew.

One of my nephews is getting married.  He and his partner have both been married before and have children from their respective marriages.   They also have their own home as have been together for some time now.  All this makes it difficult to give a suitable gift, they already have everything they want or need, so I decided to do a memory cushion. Having made the centre panel I am looking for white curtain type fabric for the rest of the cushion.  Last time I got just what I wanted from Dunhelm's shop but they appear to have cut back on their fabrics and naturalaly mine is one of those that has disappeared from the shelves.
I only need half a metre.   I could purchase on the internet but will incur £5 plus for postage and packaging which is a bit grim on such a small amount.
I know just what you are thinking, why not buy more to make it worth while.  If I do that with the enormous stash I have in my shed someone else in our household will have a fit of appoplexy. Grrrr.

However, a few quick pics of the panel which is completely hand sewn (except the hearts) got them from my local Aladins cave of a shop.

I do regret not doing the horseshoe in silver now but it is too late.

I am going to offer this post as my contribution to Wendy's Handmade Monday.  Do pop along and have a look at all the other beautiful offerings.

Sunday, 8 April 2012

Handmade Monday 9,4,12

Oh dear, I have been very lax again but do have a lovely tale to tell you.

I bought a couple of metres of fabric locally.  It was lovely to work with and the design was tiny, just fitted the bill for the job in hand.  However, I hadn't bought enough but on returning to my little fabric shop - yes, you have guessed it - all gone.
The only identifying mark on the scraps left was the word 'Belleboo' on a bit of selvage.  Not to be beaten I searched all the fabric shops on line - nothing. 
Eventually I typed in the word Belleboo to see what came up and, lo and behold, found a site called Jill's Quilt Site so very cheekily emailed Jill only to discover that she was in Thailand, she didn't sell fabric but said she would go into Sampeng and have a look in the fabric suppliers who make it..
I am forever surprised at the kindness of other people. This is an email I received back.
Dear Carol,
I saw the fabric in another color. I ran out of time. Will be going back again next week and will look again. I don't think it has a name. I might have to buy a few meters and send it to you. How many meters do you need?
She has since been back to the manufacturers and acquired me 5 mtrs of material, some in the original beige and some in pale blue which is now winging its way to me from that magical Country of Thialand.
I will, of course now become an ardent follower of her blog and see some of the lovely work she and her friends do, mostly for charity.
This is a link to her site
I am hoping I have made a new friend, one can't have enough of those can one?
Although I have no 'makes' to show you don't let it stop you from going over to Wendys at and see what everyone else has made.

Sunday, 25 March 2012

An odd assortment and Handmade Monday

Friday was Open Day at the Grands school, we had not planned to go, in fact, we had planned a totally lazy day but at 9 a.m. my daughter phoned to say that one of them was getting into a state because his Granddad was not going to see him in his play.
So, with feet not touching floor we made it for 9.45 just in time for curtain up and Stella The Starfish was in full swing. How those teachers got 60 kids of 6 and 7 to remember all that and perform without too many hiccups I will never know.  Children of that age are soooo amazing.  They not only remembered words and dance routines but 8 songs too and we were told that they had only been  rehearsing for three weeks, any more than that and they get bored.  I am so glad that we didn't miss it after all.

I have nothing to show you for Handmade Monday except a bit more work to one of the panels as I have been doing alterations. A client bought a set of five long sleeved blouses and wanted all of them turned into short sleeved ones.  Although the blouses are identical apart from the colour she wanted all the sleeves different.  I was so fed up with them by the time I had finished I could have binned them for two pins.  Common sense prevailed and they are now packed up ready for collection tomorrow. lol.

How about a ditty to make up for my lack of work~

The light, so bright,
So clear and crisp,
Glistening dew
In the sun through the mist.

The early hour
Of the first Spring day,
The Herald cries
Summers on its way.

I love these mornings
When the world looks so new,
When the grass looks so fresh
And the weeds still few.

But before much longer
Sunday peace will be gone,
With the hum of mowers
As the grass gets too long.

I have gossipped enough for one day so I will suggest you all pop over to Wendys at 1stUniquegifts/blog for Handmade Monday and have a look at all the lovely goodies

Monday, 19 March 2012

A Doggy Tale and Handmade Monday.

I have been unwell now for several weeks, a virol infection I am told.  Lost my voice for three of those weeks and am just getting it back although still a bit husky. As it hurt to try talking it has improved my sign language no end.

Talking about sign language, I will relate a small situation I found myself in this morning.
As  I am sure most of you are aware, I am the grateful owner of an elderly mutt, I refer to her thus as the Vet claims her Grandmother was raped by a fox.  I don't know if that is possible but it is certainly feasible as she came from a New Age Travellers site and she certainly was mistaken for one on several occasions in her youth.

She is fifteen now and as deaf as a post.

Picture this if you can. 

This 70 year old Gran in her dressing gown and slippers at 7 ish in the morning standing in her back gateway which leads out onto the large common at the rear of her property doing frantic hand signals which rather resemble a rain dance to this deaf mutt who, in her own silent little world has wondered from one delicious smell to another and ended up 3oo yards away.  Unfortunately she has, by now, done more than her usual tinkle and this stupid old woman has the added problem of finding and picking up whilst hoping against hope that no other dog walker is about to appear through the woods and catch her at it.

Rosie has always been a very obedient dog, never any trouble at all, I could walk through the busiest town without a lead and she never moves from your side, step for step she is with you but I am absolutely certain she has twigged that if she does not look at me she does not have to do as she is told. Grrr.

Back gate is just off bottom left corner.

Now I only have a small offering for Hand Made Monday, just another three panels for the twins quilts.


These are 12" square, or will be by the time they are inserted. 10 completed, 2 to go.  It seems to be taking forever.

Now is the time to pop along to and have a look at all the other well deserved offerings.

Hopefully it won't be so long between blogs now I am on the mend.  Have a wonderful week everyone.

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Update on the Aged Aunt problem

We managed to get her to the Doctors but she is not letting on what was discussed so I suppose we are no nearer a solution other than the Doctor is now aware - hopefully - that there is a problem. Its gone very quiet  there so they must be on speaking terms again. No more threats about throwing herself under the local bus or in the canal, which is quite funny in its own way as she can't walk that far, someone would have to push her in a wheelchair. I am beginning to relax about it once more. Phew.  Catastrophe averted for now.

Sunday, 26 February 2012

The end of another weekend.

Sunday evening always makes me feel as if I should summarise the week, what I have made, what I failed to complete and what I could have achieved if I had made that little extra effort.  I try not to dwell on the last one because it is a waste of time, it happened, or I should say failed to.
OK so I have had quite a severe cold during the week, still coughing, I think I am hooked on linctus by now but at least it appears to have subsided somewhat, keeping fingers crossed it doesn't come back and hit me again like they often do.
I have managed a couple more panels for the quilt -

Also a friends small boy has a birthday coming up and she asked me to make him a cushion for his bed, had to be red and white and squashy so this is what I came up with.   I have made it into a pyjama case and it is padded with thick foam wadding and lined with white cotton  sheeting so very  washable.

It is Handmade Monday so can I suggest you pop along to and have a look at some lovely crafted articles.

One way and another I am having a traumatic weekend. Lots of phone calls and crying.  I have two aunts, one 87 and the other 93 in a couple of months.  Both live in their own homes, the older one with her partner who is 92.
The 93 year old has fallen out with her partner, The problem is not what they have argued over but their age,  They should have help in but will not admit that they need it and I get shot down in flames if I even hint at them not managing.  I should add that these Aunts never had children so guess who has to pick up the slack.  They all live about 35 miles from me so not so easily accessible.  The younger Aunt is also crying because the older one is upset.
I am about to get shot down in flames yet again because I am contacting their Doctor tomorrow to get them to go in and insist they have some help.  They will listen to him because, in their eyes he has the voice of authority. 
Wish me luck.

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Its a Beautiful day.

What a beautiful day for a walk. Blue skies, I always take my camera when out with the dog, you never know what you might miss.

Not a breath of wind and the sun beating down to encourage all the crocus and snowdrops to lift their faces towards it.

It is one of those days that makes everything seem worthwhile.

In the next day or two all the daffodils will start to bloom throught the woods, we also have some tulips in amongst them, just the odd one or two and then the carpet of bluebells will take over.  Well, that takes me through till April by which time the nettles and other wild plants will be establishing their claim to flourish but, for today, I feel uplifted.

Sunday, 19 February 2012

New Beginnings

Oh not me.  I have started a new family quilt.  It is going to consist of 9 aplique panels, framed, and set into sashing - colours yet to be determined. lol.
As I have nothing ready for Handmade Monday I am using what panels already completed as my offering.  They are all hand sewn and my own design from my own hand made templates.  I tend to start a quilt with no definite idea of where it is going making it up as I go along. 
This is quite similar as I don't know what a panel is going to look like until I sit down to make it and I have no idea what colours the frames and sashing will be until  I have completed all the panels and lay them out.  Then I wait for inspiration - can take some time as I am not the most imaginative person about I can tell you. lol.

These are the four panels already prepared:-

I am a rotten photographer, the colours are not shown to be as vibrant as in real life but,  hey ho, you will get the idea.

Now pop along to  and see all the other lovely stuff on offer.  You won't regret it I can assure you.

Sunday, 12 February 2012

And yet another 7 days passed...

Handmade Monday again.  Where has the week disappeared to.  I don't seem to have achieved much in the way of crafting this week so just a small offering from me.
I finished the third and last dressing gown, this is for an 18 month old little girl who is running around like there is no tomorrow, her Mum can't keep up with her.

And there was a a thread on Craft Forum this week about how many projects one had not finished off so I got my proverbial finger out and finished one of them.

I did not put the knobbly bits on the back. lol.

Thats it for this Handmade Monday but do pop along to and look at the growing number of crafters willing to share their beautifully crafted items with you.

A little self analysing

My little dog is nearing the end of her days.  She will be 15 this coming June which is quite a good age.  We have had her since she was a year old,  As I spend more and more time worrying about what I will do without her another question is forcing itself forward in my head.  Why do I waste what time she has left worrying about that, why can’t I simply throw myself into celebrating each day we have left? 

How selfish.  I am obviously more concerned with my feelings than hers.  I would not have believed I could be like that but I suppose it’s the old “Self Preservation” coming to the fore.

The other selfish thing I dwell on is “will I have to make the decision for her”.  “Maybe she will go in her sleep? “

I do know that if I can manage to adopt a more positive attitude towards this, recognise and remember that we all have a set lifetime span, probably laid out from the day we were born, and make the very best of what I have left with her I will be in a far better state of mind when her time finally comes.

The moral of the story is:-

Celebrate Life Whilst You Can.

Friday, 10 February 2012

People constantly surprise me

Even those whom I consider I know well.  And while I am on that subject I would like to thank all you kind people that leave such wonderful, heart lifting messages for me.  It is so lovely to have your work appreciated by someone which brings me neatly back to my other reason for blogging today.
My daughter has never appeared to show much, if any, interest in my crafting, if it didn't come from Next, TKMax etc., it wasn't worth a dime.
However, today I was having a chuck-out session in her sons' bedroom, (they have one at my house as well as their own home,) stuff they have grown out of like clothes and toys.  Amongst this was two rag dolls I made several years ago on a project with Daycare clients at Age Concern.  pic below:-

Known as Purple Pattie and Ginger Tom.
I now have an 18month step G.G.Daughter so thought I would pass them on as they are completely machine washable. 
MyDaughter threw her hands up in horror saying that I should keep them.  I replied that when I was gone someone would only throw them in the skip, which, lets face it, they do and that would be a waste if a child could benefit.  My daughter declared that when that time came she would give them a good home.
To say you could have knocked me down with a feather is understating it.
Of all the many things I have made she has taken to two rag dolls.  Life is full of surprises.

Saturday, 4 February 2012

5th Feb. Handmade Monday

I am still making dressing gowns, 2 down, one to go and will show the last two later in the week if I get them completed.  I would have had one ready but the snow prevented me from going across the yard to my workroom for red cotton.  Well, thats my excuse anyway but in the meantime I have cobbled together a birthday card for my one and only Granddaughter.  I use the word "cobbled" as I am definately not a card maker as you can see but needed something for Handmade Monday and was the only thing I could offer at this late stage of the game. Critiques not requested. lol. 

Please follow this link to visit the other blogs in Handmade Monday.

I did finish the dressing gown after all so there will be one happy little boy tomorrow.

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Next Christmas already?????

We are fairly democratic in our household, I prepare and cook and OH tidies away afterwards
I mentioned some weeks ago that I needed a couple of milk bottle tops  Big mistake.  I now have a Sainsburys Bran Flake packet full to overflowing with tops of all colours of the rainbow.  I had not realised that he was still saving them till I picked up said box in the utility room wondering what it was there for.
What to use them for - big question.  I used 7 this afternoon and made this:-

I only have another 493 left to go. lol.  I am quite willing to share if anyone else wants some and I am also open to suggestions.  (Clean ones only thanks)

Monday, 30 January 2012

Handmade Monday again.

I have nothing ready for showing this week so am going to cheat a little and show you something I finished months ago but I did screw the hinges on this morning, only because my friend for whom I did it was asking nicely how much longer it would be. lol.
It is not very good as not my field of expertise but I had a go.

Go to to see all the other goodies.

Any reader from CF will know I have been shovelling out my workroom for the last week or so, well I have finally finished. 
I took a few quick pics so it can be seen before it gets messy again which will probably be tomorrow. lol.
The worktops look bare because my sewing machines are adorning the dining table due to the inclement weather i.e. it was too cold out there.  I do have heaters but they cost a fortune to run.

I have worked it out, it will only remain that tidy for 18 hours.  Such a shame.

I thinkI will get these framed to remind me what it should look like.

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

A Guilty New Make

 I have just finished this dressing gown for my 9 yr old step-Great Granddaughter.  I made her one when she was around 4 and her Grandmother mentioned last weekend that she was still wearing it so guilt ridden I have made another.  An Aran jumper for her 7 yr old brother is finished too so everyone should be happy.

It is off white fleece with pink lace trim and her initial on the pocket.  I can't believe that the buttons cost almost as much as the fabric.  What a world we live in.