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Sunday, 10 July 2011


I hate my computer,
I don’t have a future,
In digital technology.
I make no apology.

Locked out of my blog,
And e bay.  Can’t flog.
No access to Flickr
Makes me even sicker.

It’s all my own fault
I feel such a dolt.
My food and drink
Sent keyboard on the blink.

The moral of the tale,
If you don’t want to fail.
Don’t wine and dine
At input time.


  1. The quilt is so pretty Carol and I love your ditties, did you enjoy most of the wine first though? would hate to think it was wasted.

  2. Lovely ditty, sorry to know it came from a real issue - hope you get it sorted soon. That quilt is fantastic, must have taken ages!
